Fun Day with the Boys

A fun day with my boys and Paul. Skiing for the boys, hot chocolate and later, pizza. Tyler is hilarious though, it’s 5 degrees outside and after he gets done skiing he strolls around in sandals, shorts and a long sleeve shirt. He sure got some wide eyed looks from all the others bundled up to the nines, haha.

Prediction or Already Reality?

A couple weeks ago i posted about BYU needing a med school. I was just watching some x-files and saw this pop up on the screen. Now that is a spooky x-file! They had Scully treated at a BYU medical center that hasn’t even been built………… YET!


Driver Tells Train to Just Go Around!

I’ve been driving around Salt Lake quite a bit lately and I have to say, it’s good to see everyone has adapted so well to the Trax commuter rail!

So far, I’ve seen a truck stop inside the crossing arm causing the Trax operator to stop the train, then the truck driver hilariously tried to wave the train to go around – awesome! What was he thinking? (Squeeze on in! Plenty of room!)

Then there was the car that saw the lights start flashing and slammed on the brakes… except the car was already right under the crossing arm… clunk.

What can you do when you see these things but laugh?