
Is Wishing Away Guns an Answer?

I’ve been seeing a lot about gun control and wanted to bring something up. The question I have is, what if you were to magically wish away all the guns in America? Or the world? Would that suddenly make everyone safe forever?

I would say that violent, or a better term, savage crimes have always happened and that regardless of what you do, people will always want, and find a way to kill people. I don’t understand it, but we’ve all witnessed both the threats and acts. In my opinion, Guns are used mostly because they are convenient.

If you look at a couple of the most horrific events in recent history, you won’t find guns used prominently. Take 9/11 for instance. Hijackers took over planes with knives – not guns, and killed thousands. Or look at the Boston Marathon, or the Oklahoma City bombing. Then look at the bombings in other countries. Even if you could take away what is convenient, if someone wants to kill a lot of people they will find a way. And it could possibly be much worse than what is convenient.

I remember reading about suicides in England when they used to use coal-fired ovens. Where people would feel an episode of acute depression and stick their heads in the oven to die from the gases. In that moment, the oven provided an easy and convenient way out. Then suddenly with the advent of electric ovens, suicides dropped. That was definitely a good thing… but ALL suicides certainly didn’t disappear. The oven was easy and convenient – but it didn’t stop the suicides for most, it just forced those who really wanted to do it down a different path. This seems like it might be a good argument for gun control, because people can say the suicides dropped, but, again, they didn’t disappear. Plus, I’d say most people who commit suicide aren’t violent sociopaths.

If someone wants to kill someone else, is a gun easy? Yes, without a doubt. But, is it the only way to kill someone? Unfortunately, no. We are fragile creatures all.

If you take away what is convenient, people will still find a way. And I think if we follow the path of gun control or abolition, there could be some dire unintended consequences. Plus the 1.3 Million crimes that are prevented through use of guns should be an important stat when discussing this arguement. Another consideration all should understand, is the group that kills the most people all time and forever will always be governments.

I don’t know what the answer is or if there even needs to be an answer. But maybe instead of taking away guns, we should teach how to use them and the consequences of using them, this could be accomplished with conscripted military service similar to many European countries(Though it definitely wouldn’t be a popular option!). I think some people could use a little discipline. And for those directionless people who find themselves heading down the wrong path, it could be that spur in the right direction that they need. There would also be the added benefit of vetting out many of the psychos.

I think unfamiliarity and fear of guns are what drive a lot of the discussion. I just don’t see gun control solving the kind of violence and horrific scenes we’ve witnessed through media or first hand, but it’s never bad to discuss. To be honest though, wishing away guns is a fantasy.

The world may have been a Garden of Eden long before guns, but it didn’t stay that way for very long either. Last I checked; Cain didn’t kill Abel with a gun.

Just something to think about.

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