The Daylight Savings Time Debate

I think the whole DST / Standard time debate is a bit silly.

You have all these people that want kids “safe” in the winter because going to school in the dark is apparently suicidal.

Then all these people who want to play after work in the summer.

Meanwhile, there are all these complaints about changing time 1 hour and how hard it is… doesn’t anybody else travel during the year? Actually, I swear the people who complain the most, leave their time zone the most. I thought changing your clock was so hard!

Then the silliest suggestions I think are to have the clocks stay consistent, but have working hours adjust by season… really? Hint – all work follows what the government does. And if the government adopted this then it would be no different than the current standard.

What it really comes down to, IMO, is early birds vs night owls. I actually think the DST shift is a fair compromise, but I guess I am in the minority. Most want a consistent time, but good luck getting an agreement on which time should be standard.

BTW, I think Arizona is OK as is, extending summer hours does them no favors.