Paul Life

The Passing of a Titan

My grandfather passed away this week at 100 years old. That’s a long life and he lived like a champ. You can read about him here ……/edward-albert-ether-rich . The crazy thing is that pretty much the entire time I knew him, he had already retired. My grandparents lived in New York for most of their lives and since most of the grandkids didn’t, they’d have us all stay with them when we reached 12 years old. Every summer included a trip to Cape Cod. I know that Cape Cod has a special meaning to all his kids and grandkids, as it does to me. I loved it so much, I was more than tempted to move out there after receiving job offers in the area. Back then, I met great people I never would have met, I did amazing things I probably never would have done, and it was all thanks to him.

Cape Cod with my brothers, nephew and grandpa

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