
Tragedy at the Dentist

I always say, be smart when doing anything to your body and get at least a second opinion or third.

This girl who died during a procedure for cavities didn’t even have cavities!

I talked with a dentist years ago who said that there is a dirty little secret among dentists. That drilling for cavities/crowns is a quick buck with no real harm -especially with kids where the teeth will fall out anyway. He told me this after I told him about some bad experiences I had with local dentists – shock!

When our kids were very little, Annalisa took Tommy to a dentist who said he had two cavities and she had them drilled and filled. It was kind of alarming to me since I haven’t had any cavities, but I didn’t say anything… The next time she took the kids to the same dentist, he told her my son had 6 (SIX!!!) cavities. I pulled the plug on that whole thing and said, get a second opinion. So she did. And the other dentist identified 5 cavities… hmm, so maybe I was wrong, right? Well, the 5 cavities were on different teeth! Third opinion, she took the kids to someone we know but wasn’t on our insurance… no cavities.

So what’s up with dentistry!

I’m sure they have something up their sleeve to justify drilling so they don’t get into trouble, so I just wash my hands of those bad dentists. But you should never be afraid to question.

Same goes for doctors. Don’t assume an m.d. actually knows what they’re talking about. If the doctor wants to do something to your body, get a second opinion, or more.

I’ve just heard too many terrible stories where people’s quality of life went down due to poor / incorrect treatment.

It’s like finding a good car mechanic; ask around from other people in similar fields about your doctor / dentist. Do as much research as you can till you really understand what they want to do. It’s your body, don’t take it for granted.

Article link about the tragedy

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