How does facebook, a multi-billion dollar company, have such horrific support? no phone number, no text chat, no ticket submission, nothing. My facebook page was compromised, but resolving this issue is madness. They didn’t even detect the breach! First time I became aware was when I got multiple emails in the middle of the night saying, thanks for creating this facebook ad! What?
I tried to report it, it literally goes no where. The support just goes in circles. Whoever breached created a business manager, page, and ad. I can’t delete any of it, and can’t report it. This isn’t something I should have to spend hours to resolve!
If you compare this to a credit card. I get called about possible fraud and they resolve it quickly. But not Facebook! This is garbage.
It’s at the end of all this that you ask yourself, how does such a big company suck this hard? Let’s be honest, this is way worse than Comcast. Think about that.
I’ve read complaints about facebook before, but It’s not until you have something like this happen that you realize, wow, facebook actually sucks. I suppose the writing’s been on the wall for a while, deep down I think we’ve ALL known facebook sucks, but this may finally push me over. Download data… delete… delete… Wait! I can’t delete my page either! Seriously!