
One of my favorite bands. The crazy thing is no matter how much I listen, I don’t get sick of the music. I’ve listened since this song came out. I first heard it while streaming Virgin Radio UK. So good. I like their “polished” video which is first, but I think the original release is interesting because I never got the line dancing bit when they performed live till I saw the original video.


Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (2015) Review

A few years ago, right after The Masters. I remember some player who did well was talking about how he played Tiger Woods PGA tour with another player and that the game version of Augusta National had actually helped them prepare for the real thing. That sounded neat! It was that realistic? So I bought it and… I got bored. I didn’t like the mechanics, the set-up was confusing. I just wanted to play Augusta!

I think I played a total of 30 minutes of the Tiger Woods PGA Tour game before quitting and did the same to this new version. I do have to confess though that I already have a favorite golfing game. It’s the game I measure all others against. It’s a franchise from Clap Hands called Hot Shots Golf (otherwise known as Everybody’s golf). My favorite entries are Hot Shots Golf Fore on the PS2, Hot Shots Gold World Invitational on the Vita and PS3, and Hot Shots Golf Out-of-Bounds on the PS3.


The Greatest Spectator Sport

When I was young, there was a sport that when I stumbled across it on the TV, my eyes glazed over and I’d get annoyed since it took the place of whatever program I wanted to watch and I’d quickly change channels. It had music and visuals that reminded me of the LDS general conference. That should give it away (along with the thumbnail above).

I didn’t start to play this sport until later and I didn’t start to get decent at playing until I was in my late twenties. That sport was Golf. It was then, that I no longer rolled my eyes when it came on. I started to study the players as I became more obsessed. I read Golf Digest, I watched the golf channel. I took my wife golfing, I took my children golfing. I stopped by golf shops more than any other shop.


A Pattern of Journalistic Malfeasance

Here’s a headline from “conservative” LDS church owned KSL

Here’s the link to the article.

KSL used a misleading picture of a white guy being arrested – the photo is a stock photo. Emilio Lopez Bernal is not from Provo, nor is he a “Provo man”. He is likely a foreign born resident and likely an illegal alien. He also has multiple arrest warrants. He did not speak English and is likely not white – as in northern European/Eurasian which makes the stock photo very misleading. He likely has darker skin and is of Spanish descent and from one of the former Spanish colonies of central/south America since he spoke Spanish seemingly exclusively. The journalist should actually find out where the man is from before declaring him a “Provo man”. Also, if using a stock photo, don’t use one with identifiable features of a person who is not even close in approximation to the subject. In Fact, next time, just use a stock photo of a police car and take out all bias.

The narrative is so easy to see. If I were living over in Japan or England – legally – and I committed a crime, do you really think they would say Kyoto man, or London man? No, they would say an American here for whatever reason did xyz. Language matters. So the question is, why do they do this?

To me, this is a continuation of a narrative being pushed in articles from local and national news organizations. From the use of a white person for the stock photo and calling the individual a “Provo man” are obviously deliberately misleading since it follows a sea of similar articles from the same news organization of similar tone. It’s to push the whole white man bad, brown man good -even though most of central and south Americans are direct descendants of the Spanish settlers (look it up). One funny anecdote I have is of a woke “Hispanic” girl from the neighborhood who talked often about white people’s European privilege. She decided to take a DNA test. Results? 100% Spanish European. And let’s just say, she was more than a little shocked. Duh, you’re hispanis, ie, from Hispania (Spain)! But that’s what happens when you have narrative driven organizations pushing untrue narratives, you end up with people believing complete lies, even about themselves.

I really hate that most articles obfuscate or outright omit important information to drive a chosen narrative instead or reporting the facts. I generally have to do my own online sleuthing to get even close to the truth. It’s very frustrating.

None of this is surprising to me. A former employee of KSL explained that management was trying to gather more legitimacy by hiring non-LDS, non-Utahn (woke) employees. Obviously it shows.

The language from Foxnews is accurate – Click here to read the Foxnews article

For all the insults fired at Fox news, I find them to be the most accurate and least misleading of the major news organizations.