Annalisa LifeViewpoint

Fair Trade? More Like This Woman Was Swindled

Annalisa relayed this terrible story from a 60 year old lady who took a photography class from her. It was about another instructor who had swindled this lady out of an expensive piece of equipment.

The “student” had gone to a professional camera store and let the store outfit her with nice gear. Some time later she took a class to learn about her camera gear from some guy. He convinced her that her lens (that she had paid $2400 for) wasn’t as good as his lens and she’d want to “upgrade” to his lens sometime in the future. Then, he said he was looking to buy a lens because he needed a longer zoom and would be willing to sell his “old” lens to her, then it somehow changed to, I’m such a good guy, I’ll TRADE you my lens for yours. Trusting him, she made the trade.

When she later took the class from Annalisa. This lady pointed out during the class that Annalisa had the exact same lens in her bag (that specific lens had come free along with another lens with purchase of a camera body). This lady had been thinking something was wrong with the lens because the other one had taken such better photos! All along she had just been swindled.

It’s amazing how low some people will go for a buck.

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