New Clubs
Wow, crazy year for golf. Tommy’s golf coach told us to get different shafts for his golf clubs because he was now swinging too fast for the shafts he had. I just decided to get him entirely new clubs. He found what he wanted, but he had a hard time hitting the new clubs for a long while and he’s been really frustrated. I was even back to beating him! But it seems like it’s starting to click again. In the last week, he’s had an under par round and then a tie for first today. It’s fun to watch even if he’s beating me again. Here’s the link to results from today’s tourney. What’s crazy is he still got first after hitting one ob and duffing three shots and that’s not considering all the lip outs in putting either.…/contest/16/leaderboard.htm
Men’s League
How cool is this? I signed Tommy up for men’s league and his first time out he got second in his flight!

The Crown Passes Down
Today I conceded the title of best golfer in the family to this guy. It’s been a fun journey from when he was a toddler following me around and just bumping the ball to today where he’s out-driving me constantly.
For years, we’d play from the spot of whoever got the best shot, which was almost always mine. Then only 4 years ago he started wanting to play his own shots… Then he wanted for us to walk the course instead of using carts (don’t kid yourself, it totally changes the game!)… Then last year, he moved to the blue tees with me AND started winning. So I started doing gimmicky things like taking him to new courses or getting him up early or not letting him warm up and even moved him to the furthest back tees (what can I say, I’m competitive!) This year… Doesn’t matter, he’s beat me at every course in or out of Utah, any time, no warm up, way back tees. Again, doesn’t matter. There’s no going back… And I couldn’t be happier.
Alignment Tool
Gotta plug Tommy’s coach. He’s got some alignment tool that pro’s are picking up on. He posted a video about fixing Tommy’s putting stroke using his alignment tool. What stinks about working with kids is their growth spurt messes things up bad. He used to have one of the most pure putting strokes (BYU’s golf coach pointed that out). Puberty! You won this round!
Tommy tends to shove the putter head to far out on the through swing. Notice how him the putter comes more in and down his line with the alignment pro
Golfing in the 30s
This kid sure has dedication! Tommy was out golfing yesterday when the weather was only in the 30’s and the club house was playing Christmas music.