An Inveterate Liar
I’m always amazed that the voters of Delaware didn’t toss him in ’88. His belligerent rant caught on video with a constituent about how smart he is and that he graduated top of his class, where he actually was like third from the bottom, still makes be shake my head. Pedo Pete is a liar for the ages. While most politicians are brazen liars, it’s amazing the depths Biden grasps with his lies. He has several tells like; not a joke!; No, I’m serious!; Here’s the deal; I’m being honest here! That is the god’s truth! or similar, you know the previous story was an absurd lie. His pandering lies that change based on who he’s addressing are simply galling. I can’t believe that people don’t cringe so hard listening to him that they don’t just get up and leave. He’s not just the biggest liar, he is also the most openly corrupt politician I believe our country has ever had. Openly corrupt because I think he’s just too stupid to figure out how to hide all the money laundering and just thought, fudge it, nobody’s going to do anything about it. And nobody has. It’s a sad indictment of our country.
Now I see the Brinton-Biden Connection
But seriously, yeah Brinton lied, but he only stole luggage… Think bigger and dumber. Remember, if you steal from one American, you may go to prison. If you steal from all Americans using foreign governments, then it’s OK.